Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wedding trend...or not to trend...that is the question.

Since the summer (especially August) is the most popular time for people to get married, (you all thought it was June!) I have decided to "blog" a little bit about some wedding trends.

Lauren and I have worked with hundreds of brides on their wedding day, and let me tell you, we have seen it all! I have seen some amazing crazy things, and I have seen some breathtaking traditional weddings as well. The one thing I have learned is, there really are no wedding trends. In fact, the trend is, there are no trends! This is YOUR wedding. You may have been planning this for 25 years, or you may have just started thinking about it the day you got engaged. Either way, it does not matter what colors or theme you choose, as long as it represents you and your future partner in crime.

My brother is marring a wonderful girl named Teeny this Saturday. (No Teeny is not her real name, it's actually Justina Shantel, however considering she is 4'10", we call her teeny.) Their wedding is not exactly what you would call traditional. Their colors are yellow and navy blue. All of her bridesmaids are wearing navy blue dresses with yellow vans. They are having popcorn and cotton candy machines at their reception. The boys are all wearing high top Nikes. Is this traditional? No. Is this the type of wedding everyone would want? No. Does it suit their personalities to a tea? Yes. And really, what could be more important on their special day?

Mrs. Lauren Gardiner had a beautiful winter wedding held at the Artisan hotel here in Las Vegas which is a beautiful boutique style hotel. She wore an amazing piercing white gown and had crimson red roses everywhere. She didn't have a traditional cake, instead she had a beautiful tiered cupcake assortment and of course, an open bar. Traditional? More or less, yes. Was it her style? Yep.

That is just the beginning. I have seen jungle themed, princess themed, Elvis themed, Luau themed, and my personal favorite, comic book themed. You name it, I've seen it. And even though some of these choices would not be my first choice, they always seem to fit the bride and groom perfectly. If you embrace the theme correctly, your guests will have a ball no matter what.

Your hair and makeup are just as important as any other aspect of your special day. They should flow with the theme and color trend of your wedding. I think that brides overlook hair and makeup far to often. They spend thousands of dollars on food, beverage, decorations, flowers, music, and the venue, when in reality, do you think they will look back in 20 years and say "Hey! We had some AMAZING shrimp cocktail at our wedding!" I personally don't think so. However, in 20 years, when you look back at your wedding album you WILL say "Dang. I looked smokin' hott that day." So why would you spend all this money to skimp on something so important? I just don't get it.

If you do smarten up and decide you are going to have your makeup and hair professionally done for your wedding (and professionally DOES NOT mean that your cousin's best friend's sister who kind of does her makeup well is going to do it) please be sure to book a trial. Many companies offer a discounted price for your trial, or sometimes, they will do your trial for free if you end up booking with their company. This is a great way to meet one on one with your stylists to figure out what look is going to work best for you. It also ensures that you get along with these people who will be in your face all day on the most important day of your life and you will know exactly what you will look like so that you have one less thing to worry about on this stressful day. I understand if you are coming to Las Vegas for a destination wedding, it is virtually impossible to do a hair and makeup trial, but if you can squeeze one in, I recommend you do! It will make everything go that much smoother.

Good luck on your wedding planning ladies! You can't go wrong if you stay true to yourself!

Allyson Stagg
CEO of The Las Vegas Style Sirens

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